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For over 100 years, people have been flocking to Yorkshire for a taste of Bettys of Harrogate in their much-loved café tearooms.


Bettys & Taylors of Harrogate wanted to take Bettys on an expansive journey in to E-commerce whilst maintaining the Yorkshire ingredients that make Bettys so special. At Bettys, each item is packed by hand with great care to ensure it arrives in immaculate condition. Bettys took great care to show us every part of their factory and business so we could really understand the uniqueness of the brand.


The E-commerce platform we built for Bettys provides exactly the right combination of design, technology and E-commerce functionality generating significant new revenues for this famous business since its launch six years ago. Bettys deliciousness is now delivered to home, office, UK and around the world.


Role and responsibilities: Design direction; Copywriting.

Redbox Digital 2010

02 - Bettys E-commerce

© 2020 Matthew Mayes


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